Sabtu, 15 Desember 2012



everything in life responds positively to attention. People, objects, stocks of inventory, and money are but a few examples. For example, the best way to give attention to money is to account for it very accurately and promptly. Keeping accurate and up-to-date accounts of money is a powerful mechanism for attracting more of it from life.
Of course, let us not forget that people too respond to attention. Every person wants to be attended to and be the object of greater attention and affection from others. Interestingly, when you give deserving people that extra consideration, they can blossom before your eyes.
When we give greater attention to others, they not only come alive, but extraordinary conditions can suddenly break out, as we see in this startling episode:
"I was overseeing a small unit engaged in the manufacturingof general purpose welding electrodes. The unit employed 10 workers. Most of them were from a nearby village and had a minimum level of education. That is, they could sign their name, but they could barely read and write.

The packing operation in the unit involved sealing cartons and boxes with adhesive tapes, and then strapping them with nylon tape. These operations were done manually by the workers.

I noticed at one point that there was no uniformity in their application of the tapes. So I talked to the staff, and taught them how to strap in a uniform manner. I also made the effortto show them how beautiful their workwas when they did it correctly.

To help them in their efforts, I made a template that they could emulate -- marking the position and level of tape/strap on the boxes. After some time, the workers developed the skill and experience to do proper packing without the aid of the template. Soon after, they were very happy when they received compliments about their packing from our distributors.

This has had the effect of energizing the companyso much that not only are the workers constantly beaming, but now the machinery has suddenly started yielding results double its rated capacity!

In addition, the market has responded in a similar manner. Without any publicity or advertising effort  on our part, our sales have unexpectedly doubled from their previous level!

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